Friday, October 24, 2008

Milestones and Musings

Kyle is about to be a mom.
Joey is about to be a daddy.
Kacy is about to graduate from UNT.
JD is leading her well.
Tyler is contemplating a life in China.
Amy is accepted to OU.
Scooter and I have been married 10 years on November 22!
We are a blessed family.
God is good....

I have become the woman I have always been so critical of.
I have not made dinner for my family since school started. We are gone almost every weeknight. I miss cooking and having dinner as a family. I miss having friends over for dinner and great conversations. I am going to make some changes, I don't like this.........
Lord, help me make the changes I desire for my family...........

1 comment:

Kacy said...

Part of realizing who you are becoming, is accepting it and asking God to take away the character defects you have.